Conformal Prediction with Parameter Optimization Loop

Haven't been updating for a while, but made conformal prediction up and running.


while making this flow, found a part of KNIME which was quite difficult to overcome


Loop in another loop made a same name flow variable. In this case "iteration".


so, without anything, the loop stopped with an error "same flow variable".  So I passed on the flow variable from conformal prediction loop to parameter optimization loop. This is not the nicest way to do this... I wonder if there is "rename flow variable" kind of node or another way to do this. But Google-ing said there was none.


Never mind, Conformal prediction here gave nice result saying some values are unpredictable which is the first case in any prediction workflow. However, the dataset was quite 1:1 distributed so didn't make such a large difference. I would imagine with skewed target dataset, this could be a nice way to predict.


Also, many updates in KNIME recently. Hope Graph Convolution comes out soon too!